I am at the proverbial crossroads; I’m faced with a choice that will determine the fate of my soul. A Faustian bargain of bizarre proportions. How do I explain it. I guess I start at the beginning.

I had just met this girl named Kayla who is drop-dead gorgeous, at a party some friends had invited me to.  There were a lot of people there I knew, but I had never seen her before, the moment I set eyes on her, I was smitten, enamored, whatever you want to call it.

She had long dark hair, not quite black, dark brunette, these silver blue eyes, with a gaze I got lost in, perfect skin, perfect proportions, perfect everything. I could not stop looking at her and I guess she noticed that because as she was chatting with some friends while I was chatting with my friends, we kept doing that thing, where we would both sneak a glance at one another, smile and go back to our conversation.

I was about to get up the nerve to go over and introduce myself to this amazing woman when my friend Darren came up to talk to me. He was asking me about how my business was going and so on, the usual small talk. Finally, I said, do you know that woman, and I tried to point to her without being too obvious. He said which woman and I said the one that’s objectively smoking hot, he laughed and said, you must mean Kayla.

I said yeah, dark hair, eyes that mesmerize. He said they were old friends and asked if I wanted to be introduced, I jumped at the chance. As we maneuvered our way toward her, I inquired, is she… before I could finish, he said, yes, she’s single, and he further offered, everyone has taken a run at her, she’s, shall we say, very selective.

I liked how he said that, but I got it, don’t get your hopes up. He introduced us, she’s a manager at some large legal firm, Darren told her I’m an inventor and work as a research scientist, that seemed to pique her interest and I felt like it gave me an edge with this amazing woman.

Eventually I asked her out and she and I ended up dating a few times. It felt like things were heading towards a serious relationship. Even though we had only gone out three or four times, it felt promising.

Then I went to another party with a different group of friends and I wasn’t sure if I should ask Kayla to go or not, it was still early in our relationship.

When I got to the party, there was this other girl Briana that I had known for a long time, we were sort of friends but had never dated, we just knew each other through mutual friends and saw each other around and at parties and had always been friendly.

She came onto me, in a big way and I guess I didn’t know what to think but we ended up in a bedroom where she started giving me a hand job. I didn’t ask for it, maybe I was a little drunk, nothing had really happened yet, she just kissed me and then undid my pants and just then Kayla walked in. I didn’t know she was going to be there.

I was so embarrassed, I felt terrible. I could tell it hurt her feelings. I ran after her, but she left. I was so embarrassed.

The next day I called Kayla and she agreed to meet me to talk. We met for coffee, and I apologized, she said she understood, we had not made a commitment yet. Then she confessed that when we had gone on the first date, she was still dating someone else but had broken it off when things seemed to be going well between us.

We both talked and I wanted to ask her why she came back into that room just then. A part of me felt like I was a set up, I didn’t say that, but it was in the back of my mind. Instead, I asked her if she wanted to be exclusive and she agreed. We both agreed to be completely honest with each other from then on.

After we had coffee and talked, we went shopping at the store next to the coffee place and we ran into Briana. It felt awkward, but Kayla seemed to understand and made an excuse to look at some other things to give me a chance to talk with Briana, I explained to Briana that Kayla and I had just agreed to be exclusive, and I was sorry about what happened. She seemed a little hurt but laughed it off. I told Kayla later about that conversation. She, again, seemed to be understanding.

After that, things started moving along with me and Kayla, we were dating regularly, sleeping over at each other’s place three or four times a week. We were starting to get to the next phase of a relationship, you know, where you start thinking about moving in together.

I thought, maybe a fun trip together as a way of testing things out, you go on a trip for a few days and it’s like a trial run at living together. I suggested to Kayla that maybe we could go on a fun skiing trip together.  She seemed excited about the idea, so we planned it out.  We would drive up to a place we both liked, so I booked us a chalet for five days.

The day came when we were driving there, I noticed a car following us, it was weird, it had been the same car behind us for what seemed like a long time. I would speed up and slow down, but they just sat back there, even when the road was four lanes and they could easily pass me if they wanted to, but, they just hung back there. I would slow down, they slowed down, I sped up, they sped up.

Eventually I mentioned it to Kayla, she turned and looked and agreed it was creepy.  After a while it really was really starting to concern us, we couldn’t tell who it was, but it looked like there were three people in the car. Finally, we decided to pull over and let that car pass, but they didn’t, they pulled in behind us. That really scared us. We could see it was some girl we didn’t know who was driving but the passenger in the front was Briana and there was a big creepy looking guy in the back seat that looked very scary.

We were so scared and trying to decide what to do. Just then a cop car was driving by, so I got out of the car and started waving my arms, the cop stopped and turned on the lights. The cop got out and I explained to him the car behind us had been following us and when we pulled over and they pulled in behind us and we’re scared. The cop told me to get back in his car and he would go talk to them.

I got back in the car and told Kayla what the cop said. Suddenly someone was knocking on the window on the passenger side where Kayla was, we thought it would be the cop but when we looked, it was a dude from that car, and he was smiling a weird creepy smile.

I thought I was going to shit my pants; I looked in my rear-view mirror and the cop was laying in the road and looked like he was dead, but from what I didn’t know, I had not heard a shot fired. I was freaking out and Kayla was screaming, I started the engine and floored it. I was screaming who the fuck is that guy.

She said that was the guy she was dating before me. Now I was really fucking freaking the shit out. I was saying wait what, that’s your ex? She said no she and he had only gone out a couple of times. It was getting weird as shit, I just floored it, but I could still see them in the rear-view, they were a ways back but I just didn’t know what to do. I told Kayla to call 911. But we were in the mountain passes and the cell phone coverage was spotty. I said just keep trying to call 911 and I’ll try to lose them.

I said how did they kill that cop; I didn’t hear a gunshot and Kayla wasn’t saying anything but looked really scared. Oh great, so her psycho ex and this cray-cray chick that tried to give me a hand job got together with some other crazy woman who is driving, and they want to kill us or something. That’s so crazy.

I said if we can make it to someplace where there are people maybe a café or something we can run in and be safe. Kayla didn’t say anything. I didn’t know if she was just really scared but I sensed somehow there was something she wasn’t telling me.

We got to this place, not really a town but you know, a pit-stop kind of place, there was a gas station and a diner. I pulled into the diner and said, “let’s go in there, maybe they’ll give up and go away.” Kayla reached over and put her hand on my arm and said, there’s something you need to know and paused. I was thinking, come one let’s go before they catch up. Then she said something that blew my shit away.

She said that guy, he told me he was a college professor, but I checked up on him online and he isn’t and when I confronted him with it, he said that he was a actually a hit man and had the ability to kill people with his thoughts.

Now I was thinking, what the fuck, so this guy is a nut, except that cop, and no sound of shots. Then she said, what if we go in there and he does something. I looked at her like she was crazy, and then she said, OK, you’re right, but I’m just… and trailed off.

We got out of the car and went into the diner just as they pulled up. They all had weird grins on their faces. It was so fucking creepy. Me and Kayla got a booth in the diner, there were a lot of people there.  Kayla told me that dude’s name was Gerald. So, Briana and this Gerald dude get out of their car and follow us in but the woman that was driving stayed in the car.

Briana and Gerald just walked up and said to us, do you mind if we join you. And I said, yeah, we do mind, I would really appreciate it if you guys would go away and leave us alone. I said it loudly so other people in the diner could hear it. They sat down with us anyway; it was Kayla on one side of the booth and that weirdo Gerald sat next to her and Briana sat next to me.

We were all silent for a minute and I just said, so what the fuck is this all about, you were following us back there why don’t you just leave us alone. I again said it really loudly and you could tell a lot of people in the diner were getting uncomfortable. I saw the waitress talking to someone who looked like maybe he was the manager, and he was nodding. He came over and said, “What seems to be the problem here?” I said, these people were following us I their car and have been harassing us and won’t leave us alone, will you please call the police. 

Just then, he started choking and frothing at the mouth and keeled over like he was having a seizure or something. The waitress screamed and grabbed the phone like maybe she was going to call 911 then she started frothing at the mouth and keeled over. Everyone in the diner got scared and ran out and left.

Now, it was just the four of us in that booth and Briana and Gerald on the outside making it hard for us to get out, we were just frozen. Then Gerald turned to Kayla and said, see, I told you I had this power, I just think it and poof, just like that, they die.

Then Briana and Gerald stood up and walked out as if nothing had happened. We watched as the got in the car with the other strange woman and drove off, back in the direction we had come.  Everyone in the diner had ran out screaming and obviously it was a disturbing scene. Even the kitchen workers who were likely immigrants and perhaps fearful of authorities fled the scene.

Both Kayla and I agreed we were not interested in hanging around and trying to explain what had happened to the authorities and no one else stayed. We were scared and panic stricken, so we got in my car and drove on towards the ski resort. Since Briana and Gerald and whoever had driven back in the opposite direction, we felt like the safest thing would be to go on to the ski lodge and check in, it would be safer than going home. Who knows if those psychos might show up at our homes.

It was a quiet drive the rest of the way, neither of us knew what to say or think, it was as if we were in a daze, and we were certainly confused. When we got to the resort we checked into our chalet and there was a bottle of wine there from the management which was definitely a welcome sight. We didn’t even unpack, we poured the wine and I made a fire in the fireplace and we sat, speechless for a while. I turned on the TV and looked for the newscast, it was local news, and there was no mention of the incident. We both searched on our phones. Finally, we both said, did that even really happen? We started to speculate if maybe it was some weird hallucination, maybe that Gerald somehow used hypnosis. Or did we both fall asleep or somehow dream it. No explanation made any sense.

We talked about maybe driving back to the diner just to see if those people were still there and alive.  But we were too scared to do that. We drank the bottle of wine, and fell asleep in each other’s arms on the big sofa in front of the fire.

The next day and for the rest of the time we were at the resort, we pretended like it had never happened. What do you do with something like that? It was so bizarre. I check the news feeds on my phone, local news, nothing. If it really happened, you would think it would show up on the news.

But the strangest thing about it all, was how… I am somewhat embarrassed to admit this, but the lovemaking, the sex, between us… off the charts does not even begin to explain it. That first night we fell asleep in front of the fireplace, we both woke late at night, maybe 3AM and something took hold of us, it was indescribable.

Neither of us spoke of it, for the next couple of nights, the sex was like nothing I had ever experienced. I would like to say, I had put the weird incident out of my mind, but, during our lovemaking, it was at the forefront, in a weird, bizarre way that is hard to explain. I nearly broached the subject with Kayla a couple of times, but she seemed as reticent to verbalize it as I. I even looked online asking the question, can a traumatic experience heighten the sexual experience. Of course, on the internet, you get a lot of crazy stuff, but vetting the search results for legitimate dot edu web sites it did substantiate the notion.

But it did seem to diminish when our time was up at the chalet and we were packing, you could feel the tension, both of us avoiding the topic. But we both felt it, that those first couple of days after, it was so intense.

As we drove back home, we passed the diner where we thought the thing had happened. We just looked at each other with that look, as if to say, what the fuck. We didn’t stop, we just kept driving. When we got back home, Kayla said she was nervous about going home so she stayed at my house the first night back. I totally understood and if I had to be honest, I was relieved, I felt safer with her nearby.

Not long after that we moved in together and it was just unspoken between us that we would just try to forget about, and we didn’t discuss it. Everything seemed to be going well, sex was still good but not like those couple of days after “the thing” as we started calling it.

After a couple of months, we got invited to a friend’s house for a party. And you guessed it, Briana and Gerald were both there. We almost turned and left but maybe we felt like we wanted to face our fears, or deep down, curious as to what happened, and yeah, maybe somewhere, I admit, I missed that intensity those days after “the thing”

As we were sipping our wine and socializing, Briana and Gerald came up to us and asked how our ski trip was, with what I can only describe as a shit-eating grins. We said, fine, it was fine. Then Briana said, hey, that incident in the diner, that was amazing right? And winked weirdly.

We both froze, it was freaky the way she said it. There was a long pause and Gerald said, “Do you want me to do it again here?” We both said no, no, please no. Briana said, then you both have to agree to have blood sex with us.

Kayla and I looked at each other with wide eyes. I really didn’t want to know what blood sex is, but I guess we had to understand the Faustian bargain before us. Kayla was the first to ask, “So what is blood sex?” The way she said it betrayed her disgust at having to ask.

Gerald explained, it’s quite simple really, we each go out separately and find an unsuspecting rube and bring them back to a public place. Then we do that thing, like at the diner or at the side of the road, you know, you remember. Then later, we have sex, amazing sex, you know what we are talking about. Both of them wihadth wide Chesire cat smiles.

Briana and I and you and Kayla, and while we are doing it, we replay the events in our minds, and the intensity is all but immaculate as I am sure you now realize. And just so you know, what we gave you was only a taste, with our powers we can murder our victims mentally in a bloody horrific way. The more bloody and horrific the more intense the experience.

The climax is beyond anything you have ever experienced. After you have done this with us, the powers will also be transferred to you, and you will be part of our cabal. At first, you both were going to be victims, but after we saw how you handled the situation in the diner, so calmly, we just knew, deep down, you want this, and we thought perhaps we would offer you the opportunity to  be inducted into our little club.

I didn’t want to admit it in front of Kayla but the idea in some weird way intrigued me, I assumed Kayla would run away screaming but she didn’t. She asked more questions. I suspected she perhaps was entertaining it on some weird level too. She asked, so do these people actually die? I was a bit surprised by the question, but it was insightful since there was no news of the incident at the diner.

Gerald proceeded to explain that no, the others are not actually harmed and do not have the experience, but we do. And, because of that, in the eyes of God it is as if you had done it. So, you guessed it, your soul will belong to the dark side, but in return, you experience a lifetime of the most intense sexual pleasure beyond anything you have ever imagined. That’s the trade you make. Like Robert Johnson at the crossroads, but instead of selling your soul for amazing musical talent and fame, you trade your soul for unbound hedonistic amazingly intense sexual pleasure for the rest of your life.

How would you choose?

It’s easy to say you would not be enticed, unless you actually experienced it, the extasy is beyond belief,

I have never felt anything like it.

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